11 Tips for Starting a Podcast

Kuvio Creative
4 min readJun 15, 2020

Podcasts are a fantastic way to share information and connect with others. If you already run a company or organization, a podcast can offer another opportunity for you to provide value to potential customers and build brand loyalty. At Kuvio, we have our own podcast, the Kuvio Caller, in which we discuss small business topics that are relevant to our work, with the hope that it can help other businesses too. With more people than ever tuning in to podcasts, we thought now would be a great opportunity to share some tips to start your own.

Choose the right topic

When deciding what type of podcast you want to create, choose a topic that is narrow enough that it will attract a niche audience. If you are looking to attract a specific type of audience, you should consider what types of topics they are interested in. Choosing a narrow topic can help you stand out amongst a crowded category, however, you want to make sure that you have enough content to create about 100 episodes within your original topic. You can always expand your topic as you grow.

Think about the episode format

It can be helpful to outline a general structure that you will follow in each episode. For example, will you have specific segments? Will it be an interview format? Do you want to collect and answer audience questions? Creating a general episode structure will help you plan your content down the line.

Create a brand

Having strong branding for your podcast can help you be more memorable to your audience. This includes your name, the color scheme, your cover art, a logo if you create one, and any other collateral. This should be something that fits the personality of your podcast.

Plan content in advance

You should keep a running list of topic ideas so you never need to scramble to come up with something last minute. Additionally, this will give you time to recruit guests if that will be a feature of your podcast. Finally, decide what type of outline you want to work from as you record, you’ll want to have notes prepared before each episode.

Consider your hardware

Sound quality for podcasts is very important. If your podcast is difficult to understand or has inconsistent volume levels, many listeners will be driven away. Consider investing in a quality microphone for recording. You also want to consider where you record, look for a small room, or a room with a lot of furniture to avoid echo.

Think about your approach to editing

You’ll need to do some post-production on your episodes, for example, you may want to add an intro or an outro. If you are recording solo, you also have the freedom to cut out a moment if you mess up and splice clips together. GarageBand is a great free option for editing, but you’ll want to do some practice before you work on your first episode.

Decide where and how you will distribute episodes

There are many tools out there that can help you to easily get your episodes out across all of the major platforms. Here at Kuvio, we use BuzzSprout, this post isn’t sponsored it just works really well for us!

Use social media

Social media platforms provide a great place for you to promote your podcast. You can share your latest episodes, tag any guests, and use relevant hashtags. You can also ask your audience to respond to a certain aspect of the episode to get an engaging conversation going.

Set up a website

Have a simple website where listeners can find you. This should be a clean, simple page that fits in with the podcast branding. If you are creating a podcast as an extension of your business this can be a page on your company website.

Ask for reviews

Reviews on the various podcast platforms can help your podcast be more visible and expand your audience. As you gain some traction, you may consider adding a callout into your episode asking listeners to leave a review if they enjoy your content. Some podcasts will even pick reviewers at random to win a prize.

Monetize your podcast as you grow

As you grow your audience you may be able to sell ad space on your podcast in order to generate revenue. However, if you have created the podcast as an offshoot of your small business this is an even better opportunity to promote your own brand. Consider offering a special deal to your podcast listeners to encourage them to check out the rest of your company.

We hope these tips are helpful! Have you recently launched a podcast? Let us know on Twitter, @KuvioCreative.

Kuvio Creative is an innovative digital services agency that provides everything you need to help your business thrive online. Launching something new? Contact us for a free consultation to learn how we can help. www.kuv.io/contact

Originally published at https://www.kuv.io.



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